
its the great pumpkin charlie brown

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 1

App developer Loud Crow Interactive is known for its fantastic reimagining of A Charlie Brown Christmas. The company also wowed fans of the Peanuts Gang last year with a beautifully designed interactive book version of It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. This year, we are lucky enough to be able to read along to another holiday story of one of Charles M. Schultz’ classic television specials, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.

Just like the other two interactive books, A Charlie Brown Christmas starts with a photorealistic image on the home pages. Here, a table setting features the iconic toast and jellybeans of the Peanuts television special. The main course is the book. Tap it to begin reading.

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 2

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 4

When the book begins, you will hear the voice of Stephen Shea, the original voice of Linus van Pelt from the 1973 TV program. His familiar, although all-grown-up, voice reads the text as you follow the story.

Each page includes a few interactive situations. Instead of turning every page of the story, users swipe the ribbon at the bottom to move to another part of the scene. Each page has four or five interactive scenes. Move between scenes by swiping your finger from right to left or left to right.

In addition to being able to make the characters wiggle and make dishes clink, readers are tasked with finding a hidden leaf on each page. Some leaves are very easy to find thanks to additional interactive actions. Others are well hidden.

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 7

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 3

On some pages, an additional action can be performed. A flag with a finger pointing a specific direction will appear so readers can cause a mailbox to open, a dog to salute, and other activities. It reminded me of pop up books that would have moving parts. Like, when you would slide the flag to move an arm or make a bunny pop out of a hole.

Some pages have more hidden interactions. For example, when Snoopy opens the garage door to get out the table, it is full of stuff. With a swipe of the ribbon, everything comes flying out. However, if you tap items in the garage individually instead, you may find a hidden surprise.

The book also features actually dialog, music, and sound effects from the original animated show. It brings to life all of the charm and appeal that made Charlie Brown so important to our childhood.

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 4

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 6

What I liked: The illustrations are beautiful recreation of Schultz’ original characters. The background themes and moving scenes make it seem like the Peanuts Gang has come to life on the iPad. The music and sound effects bring even more depth to the story.

What I didn’t like: Absolutely nothing. This book brought back great memories of watching the television show when I was a kid. It still holds a place in my heart.

Verdict: Now is the time to buy this wonderful interactive book and make it a part of your Thanksgiving tradition. Although it is a children’s book, it is definitely great for grown-ups too. You are never too old for toast and jellybeans for dinner.

  • Name: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

  • Version Reviewed: 1.2
  • Category: Books
  • Developer: Loud Crow Interactive
  • Price: $5.99
  • Score: