Google’s YouTube rolls out new ad-supported version of iPhone app

“Google Inc is releasing a new version of its YouTube video app for iPhones that will for the first time feature advertising but won’t have the benefit of being pre-loaded on Apple Inc’s popular smartphones,” Alexei Oreskovic reports for Reuters. The new YouTube app will be available for download at Apple’s App Store beginning on Tuesday, Google said in a blog on the company website on Tuesday.”

“The new YouTube app for the iPhone will feature thousands of additional videos, according to the blog post, as well as improved features for finding videos and sharing videos on social networks,” Oreskovic reports. “Unlike the previous version of the YouTube iPhone app, the new version will feature online advertising, a Google spokesman said. Online ads generate the bulk of Google’s revenue, the world’s No.1 Web search engine, and YouTube already offers ads on its mobile website and on the version of the app for Android smartphones.”

Oreskovic reports, “Apple said last month that its license to include the YouTube app in the iOS operating system used by the iPhone and iPad had ended. According to data measurement firm Nielsen, YouTube was the third most popular iPhone app by users, including both pre-installed apps and downloaded apps, in the U.S. in June. Google said it was working on a version of the YouTube app specially-designed for iPads, which should be available in the coming months.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Regardless of the app, it will have fewer users by not being included by default.

Google abused Steve Jobs’ trust to Microsoftian extremes and, for that, they will pay.

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